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====== Pirate Folklore ====== Any port city worth its salted pork has rumors and stories of pirates abounding. Due to the Empire maintaining a limited naval presence, pirates are known to exist in the waters outside of the safe harbor of ports, raiding other ships for their expensive cargo. ===== Pirate Ship to Ship Combat ===== Most pirate vessels do not have the luxury of gnomish blasting powder and its various additions to the arsenal of the Empire's navy; fortunately most of their targets don't, either. Instead, most ship-to-ship battles are conducted with archery as a primary form of attack, whatever magic the pirates have on their side, and ballistas or other seige weaponry for specialized purposes. One gnomish invention that has managed to reach the waves, the winch, allows pirates to throw a line or fire a cable attached to a ballista bolt to the target ship, then reel it in with mechanical power. Once close, pirates prefer to board, either by jumping over or using a device such as a corvus to create a stable gangplank, and if necessary, fight the remaining combatant crew in hand-to-hand combat. This also provides a reliable way to offload any goods won in the event that the captured ship is too badly damaged to salvage. Pirates prefer to cripple vessels rather than destroy them, and as such they may use fire attacks on rigging and sails, but seldom on the main body of the ship. They do occasionally use ramming to damage other vessels, but more commonly sideswipe other ships to destroy oars and bring them in range of boarding actions. Most good pirates make a point to attract a magician of some sort or another to their cause, if only for morale's sakes, but many cleric and wizard spells are quite useful when involved in ship-to-ship combat... or the aftermath thereof. Pirates are also quite fond of alchemical concoctions that can be thrown onto the target ship's decks, especially if they can launch them safely from great range. Clerics of the Lady of the Sea, obviously, are in high demand. ===== Pirate Boarding Combat ===== Most pirates have as their goal the boarding of an enemy vessel, the better to take its goods, persons, and control for themselves. As such, the elimination of anyone who might disagree (via death or capture) is considered the best method of obtaining these goals. Pirates often also have to fend off boarding parties from other pirates (who said there's honor among thieves?) and enemy naval vessels. Boarding axes are quite common, and may be throwable; they were most commonly used for fighting fires and climbing the wooden sides of larger ships, and also were very useful for severing rigging and sails to ruin a ship's maneuverability. They also were excellent at breaking open locked doors and chests, as well as the skulls of anyone unfortunate enough to meet them in close combat.

knowledge/common/pirate_folklore.1422022061.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/12 01:16 (external edit)